Our He Hawaiʻi Au program provides cultural presentations, static displays, and short-day sails for schools or interested community groups at no charge. The Nakoa Foundation also offers logistical support for ocean conservation activities under this program. For more information on how to schedule a presentation or canoe experience contact us here.

Hōʻākea o Hilo March 24 to 28 2025

Kaʻelemakule was trailered to Reedʻs Bay on Banyan Dr. in Hilo as part of a multi Hawaiian Canoe cultural display in which 4th and 5th graders from Hilo and Puna DOE schools attended. Ten sessions with 20 students per session attended the Kaʻelemakule display per day. The particular construction features that make the Hawaiian Canoe unique in the world were described to the students. Hōʻākea is a DOE sponsored event managed by Malamaʻaina Foundaiton.

March 13, 2025
Nāwahī Hawaiian Language Charter School
Twenty-eight (28) 11th graders and four Kumu from the Nāwahī Hawaiian Language DOE school in Keaʻau Puna came to Keauhou Bay as part of their visit to the Keauhou/Kahaluʻu Cultural Complex visit. Students were split up into groups that rotated between a Costal Sail on Kinikini and a look at the historical sites from the ocean and a walking tour of the cultural sites in the Keauhou/ Kuamoʻo Historical area. We were so excited to have Nikko Allen, a graduate of our Nā Peʻa program and now one of the Cultural Advisors for the Outrigger Keauhou Bay Resort Hotel, conduct the walking tour around Keauhou Bay.

February 27, 2025
Waimea Punanaleo Family Event
We trailerd our 18 foot waʻa kaukahi "Hanakalima"to the Waimea Punanaleo Campus at the Waimea Hawaiian Homes Office site in South Kohala. Pre School Students sat in the Waʻa, pulled on the Kaula Paepae and learned the names of the major parts of the Hawaiian Canoe

Oct 19, 2024 'Ikuwā Festival Fill The Bay
The ʻOhana Wa'a group organized and invited the Nakoa Foundation to participate in the ʻIkuwā Festival Fill the Bay with Hawaiian Canoes. Seven canoes from various Sailing Canoe Organizations provided canoe rides to interested people at Reeds Bay on Bayan Dr. in Hilo

Oct 4, 2024 Seamanship Experience
Five Middle School Students from Innovations Charter School went on a Huaka'i to Honokohau Harbor in Kealakehe to see the Sailing Canoe Kinikini in Dry Dock. They also visited the Coast Guard Office, the Officer Of DLNR Boating. They visited the fishing supply store and Boat Yard operations and had the overall operational process for these commercial operations explained.

September 27, 2024
Seamanship Experience
Five Middle School Students from Innovations Charter School learned how to properly use life jackets and also practiced the Man Overboard procedures. They then continued developing their boat handling skills on the canoe Kinikini.

September 20, 2024
2024/25 School Year Seamanship Experience
Five Middle School Students from Innovations Charter School learned of the significance of Keauhou Bay in Hawaiian History and the importance of Kauikeauoli (Kamehameha III) birthplace and his impact on the history of the Hawaiian Nation. They then set sail on the double canoe Kinikini learning the intricacies' of running a sailing canoe. They also took some time to go fishing.

September 13, 2924
2024/25 School Year Seamanship Experience
The Nakoa Foundation Seamanship Training held its first meeting for the 2024/25 school year with a new cohort of middle school students from the Innovations Charter School. Five (5) 7th and 8th grade students ran through a safety briefing aboard the Sailing Canoe Kinikini in Keauhou Bay. All students successfully completed the required swim test.

August 17 & 18 ,2024
Nakoa Foundation Participates in the
Pu'u Koholā Cultural Festival held at
ʻOhai ʻUla (Spencer Park) in Kawaihae S. Kohala
The Nakoa Foundation had a great weekend at the festival, showcasing the Koa Canoe Alapiʻi for a static display and offering Sailing Canoe Rides on Moana. We partnered with the Hoemana Canoe Club, who is home based at ʻOhaiʻula, and used their paddling canoes to provide rides to festival attendees. Mahalo to the Hoemana crew for their warm hospitality.

June 27, 2024
Nakoa Foundation Takes Malolo to Waipio
Valley for Waipio Valley Summer program
The Nakoa Foundation brought the canoe Malolo to Waipio Valley for the Waipio Valley Summer program. The students and Kumu from the program were taught how to rig and paddle the canoe in the Wailoa River. Malolo will be staying in Waipio for the rest of the summer to be used by the program. Each program cohort will be camping in the valley for two weeks, learning about the history of Waipio, working in the Kalo Lo'i, and doing beach clean up along Waipio Valley's black sand beach.
Nakoa Foundation Seamanship Experience
Three middle School Students from the Innovations Charter School participated in the Nakoa Foundation's Seamanship Experience aboard the double hull canoe Kinikini. In addition to learning boat handling techniques, safety equipment such as use of emergency beacons, Life Vest and Rescue Rings was reviewed. They also learned "Man Overboard" procedures, how to deal with a Vessel Taking on Water, Fire Response and how to transmit a Coast Guard distress signal. This was our third Seamanship Activity with the Innovations Charter School this year.

Ku I Ka Wa'a Festival March 6, 2024
Nā Peʻa Instructor Nahaku Kalei and Nakoa Foundation Board Member Lauren Nakoa conducted a presentation on the Nā Peʻa Program at the Ku I Ka Waʻa Festival sponsored by Kanu O Ka Aina Charter School in Waimea. Attending middle school and High School students were taught the names of the various parts of the traditional Hawaiian Canoe.
Nakoa Foundation Youth Seamanship Experience
Feb 23, 2024

The Nakoa Foundation with its partnership with Eka Canoe Adventures held its Second Youth Seamanship experience in 2024 with a day sail on Kinikini out of Keauhou Bay. He Hawai'i Au Instructor Chayden Baker taught Five Middle School students from the Innovations Charter School in Kona how to handle the dock lines and sail lines of Kinikini along with basic boat handling skills.

Kanu Ko'a Restoration Project Kealakekua Bay
Feb 25, 2024

The Nakoa Foundation was invited by the Nature Conservancy and the State Department of Land and Natural Resources to assist in their Kanu Ko'a project at Kealakekua Bay. This project works to restore damaged Coral Reefs by taking dislodged coral chunks, cutting them up into smaller pieces and re-attaching them to the existing coral reef. This is the second time the Nakoa Foundation has participated in this effort. The original effort was conducted at Kaupulehu. Nā Peʻa and He Hawaiʻi Au instructor Kalani Nakoa, He Hawai'i Au instructor Chayden Baker and Nakoa Foundation Board Member Lauren Nakoa spear headed this effort. Mahalo to the Eka Canoe Adventures Crew for running Kinikini on this project. Over a hundred community members from South Kona attended and partcipated in this effort. Video provided by DLNR
Nakoa Foundation Youth Seamanship Experience
Feb 9, 2024

The Nakoa Foundation with its partnership with Eka Canoe Adventures held its first Youth Seamanship experience in 2024 with a day sail on Kinikini out of Keauhou Bay. Five Middle School students from the Innovations Charter School in Kona learned how to handle the dock lines and sail lines of Kinikini along with basic boat handling skills. This was the first session of a multi session experience.

Nakoa Foundation and Eka Canoe Adventures help with Coral Restoration at Kaūpulehu Oct 30 2023

On October 30, 2023, The Nature Conservancy, Hawai‘i (TNC) and the Kaūpūlehu Marine Life Advisory Committee (KMLAC) launched Kanu Ko‘a (“Planting Corals”), the first community-led coral reef restoration project on the Island of Hawaii.
Ko‘a pieces were brought to shore on waa Kinikini, a double-hulled canoe. Together, the team used specialized saws to cut the collected pieces into 1-inch fragments. Scuba divers transported the pieces back into the Bay and affixed them to the reef with epoxy. All work with ko‘a is being conducted under a Special Activities Permit with the State Division of Aquatic Resources.

Seamanship Apprentice Class October-November 2023

The Nakoa Foundation in Partnership with Eka Canoe Adventures held an 8-week Marine Career Explorations class with Middle school students of the Innovations Charter School. Six students ages 12 to 15 years old learned the mechanics of small boat handling aboard the double-hull canoe Kinikini. Sailing out of Keauhou Bay students learned how to operate the crab claw sail along with how to maneuver the canoe using an outboard engine. They learned how to dock and tie up the canoe to the pier along with safely setting an anchor. They also experienced working a "dry dock". This was in addition to the practice of "Kilo". (Making detailed weather and sea observations in preparation for their day sail. )

Nakoa Foundation's Seamanship Apprenticeship Class April-May 2023
Five 12-15 year old Students from the Innovations Charter School completed an 8-week seamanship enrichment class aboard the double canoe Kinikini where students learned boat handling skills in both motorized operations and under sail.

Kiniki hosts Innovations Charter School on March 11, 2022

Kinikini hosted 7 Eighth graders on a historical sail from Keauhou Bay to the Kuamoʻo Battle Field where the battle between Kuaokalaniʻs forces and Liholihoʻs forces fought over the overthrow of the Kapu system following the death of Kamehameha I.
Kinikini Hosts Students from the Charter School Kokua Academy February 11, 2022

Kinikini hosted 15 students from the Charter School Kokua Academy ranging in grade levels from Kindergarten to 6th Grade. This excursion was part of their study of Oceans and the Maritime Industry. The wind was moderate and sailing was excellent. Sailing out of Keauhou Bay they were able to see a few whales breaching in the distance.

The Nakoa Foundation Teams up with the Kua O Ka Lā Public Chater School's, Hīpuʻu program, at Keauhou Bay November 18, 2021
Nakoa Foundation hosted the Miloliʻi unit of the Kua O Ka Lā Hīpuʻu program at Keauhou Bay. The 24 attending students (ages between 6 and 16) learned about the environmental threats to Konaʻs shore line from Marine Biologist Lauren Nakoa. They also learned to weave coconut leaves and were taken out on a sea excursion on the double hulled canoe Kinikini where the History of Keauhou was explained along with the operational techniches of sailing a double hulled canoe.

Nakoa Foundation and Going Home Hawaii Hawaiian Canoe Class
April, 2021
The Nakoa Foundation provided a 10 hour class over five days sharing the physical and cultural elements that make the Hawaiian Canoe Unique with clients of the Going Home Hawaii community re-integration program in Kona.

Nakoa Foundation and Going Home Hawaii Hawaiian Canoe Class
Nov 25, Dec 2,9,16-2020
The Nakoa Foundation provided a 10 hour class over four days sharing the physical and cultural elements that make the Hawaiian Canoe Unique with clients of the Going Home Hawaii community re-integration program in Kona.
Jackʻs Diving Locker and Nakoa Foundation teamed up for Covid-19 school enrichment program.
Sept 6, 2020
The Nakoa Foundation teamed up with Jackʻs Diving Locker under a County of Hawaii grant obtained by the Makanai Kai Foundation of Kona to provide student activities between September and December 2020 in response to the reduced school hours due to Covid 19. Students attended training sessions onboard Hawaiian Double canoe Kinikini and catamaran Noanoa to explored the ocean and lands between Kailua and Keauhou in Kona. Each session was 5 days long and open free of charge to 8 to 18 year olds.