The Nakoa Foundation programs are staffed completely by volenteers and free for participants. There are costs however for running the Foundation's programs. Below are examples of our reocurring costs that we really need help with.

Each crew member creates their own canoe paddle. Raw Mateirals to construct one canoe paddle $20

It takes about 100 feet of special cotton cord to lash one canoe together. Our four canoes need new cordage every year. One role of lashing cord costs $45

We enroll our crew members in Red Cross Certified Jr. Life Saving Classes at the beginning of our season. Cost for one crew member $40

Each of our 4 program Canoes is equipped with a an outrigger float (ama) constructed of native Wiliwili wood. One Ama needs to be refurbished every year. It cost $200 of materials and labor to redo one ama.

Because we use traditionally shaped Hawaiian Sails our sails have to be custom made. In the next year we will have to replace two sails. One sail costs $400.

This coming year we will have to dry dock one of our canoes to repair dings and cracks in the canoe hull. This will cost $2000